Why won’t my hung window sash stay up when I open it?
Most often, the problem is simply the window is out of balance. See our service video online for an explanation of how to re-engage your window when it is Out of Balance.
Click Here For Video

How can I buy new or get a replacement window?
We’d be happy to connect you to one of our dealers nearest you. Please visit our find a dealer page one of our distributors would be happy to help you place an order.
Does Paradigm have standard window sizes to choose from?
No. All of our windows are custom made to fit any project.
The glass in my window is broken. How do I get it fixed?
Please submit a Warranty Request, where you can expect a response within 3 business days.
How can I find a dealer or distributor near me?
We’d be happy to connect you to one of our dealers nearest you. Please visit our find a dealer page and one of our distributors would be happy to help you place an order.
Where can I find the serial number on my window?
For sliding windows: lift sash and pull out of frame to locate barcode on top of sash.

Serial Number
Why do I have condensation in between the panes of glass?
Condensation in between the panes of glass in a double- or triple-glazed window is the result of a seal failure. Paradigm Windows warranties that insulating glass units will not fail. Should you experience a seal failure, contact Paradigm Windows to find out if your seal failure is covered under our Paradigm 20 year or Lifetime warranty by filling out a warranty claim online here and someone will be in touch with you within 3 business days.
Can I buy products directly from Paradigm Windows?
No. To provide industry leading products and service, we work solely with our distribution partners which gives us the advantage that enables us to continue to deliver as promised.
Can I paint my windows?
Painting Paradigm Windows after installation is not recommended and will void the Paradigm warranty. Most common paint available for purchase is not suitable for application on vinyl window products and may adversely affect window operation and performance.
How do I get my window screen back in?
Check out our service video online for an explanation of how to remove and reinstall screens.
Click Here For Video

Can I get tax credit for my newly installed windows?
Consult your tax professional for information on available tax credits for your project.
How do I wash the outside of my casement windows?
Casement windows feature washability hardware which allows for a person’s arm to be extended outside of the window from the interior to clean the outside surface of the glass. Should there be a requirement for this window to meet egress, we offer a second choice of hardware to allow for a wider window clear opening. Windows which use this egress hardware, would have to be cleaned from the exterior of the home.
Can I get locks on my windows so a person in a wheel chair can unlock the window?
Can I get locks put on my windows so that they cannot be opened without a key?
Why does my window have 2 locks?
The physical integrity of the window is determined by the window design, materials used, and the method of fabrication. Paradigm hung windows only require two locks on units that exceed 32 inches in width. Windows narrower than 32 inches can have double locks applied upon request.
What is the tallest hung window I can have built?
We have minimum and maximum sizes for all of our products. It all depends on the features and width of the window. Please reach out to one of our valued distributors for more information about the specific window size you are looking for.
My contractor only installs your windows. What makes your windows better than the others?
At Paradigm, we deliver as promised. We understand the complexities of our contractors’ businesses. Our promise to them ensures their promise to you – a quality and efficient product, for life.
Can I install storm windows over my Paradigm windows?
Storm windows are not required. Paradigm windows provide excellent thermal performance and do not require the addition of storm panels or other barriers to effect increased thermal efficiency.
Do you make an R5 Window?
Yes. We make R5 capable windows. An R5 window is an operating window that achieves a thermal performance rating of 0.22 U-value, or a fixed window that achieves a 0.20 U-value or lower. Look online at our thermal performance data reports to see if the window you’re interested in meets the
R-5 criteria.
Why are Paradigm Windows not offered at local building product retailers?
Paradigm Windows offers one of the most robust lifetime warranties in the market place. By limiting access to our products to professional builders and remodelers, we help ensure that your windows are installed safely and correctly, and that you do not incur unnecessary expenses as a result in faulty installation. You can find a local dealer / distributor of our products online, look for the Find a Dealer or Find a Distributor menu item on our website. Ask your local distributor for a referral to contractors in your area who can provide you an estimate for your project.
I am building a ‘net zero’ home, how deep can your extension jambs go into the wall opening?
Paradigm Windows provides custom extension jambs, to reach however deep into a wall opening as is required up to a total wall depth of 14 9/16”. Extended lead times may be required for special material, or exceptionally deep window pockets.
Can I make my casement window look like a hung window from the outside?
Yes. We offer grille options casement, fixed casements and picture windows, that will provide the look of a double hung window by the placement of a wide horizontal grille a the mid –point of the sash.
What is the difference between standard exterior casing and ‘offset’-exterior casing?
8-Series double hung and full screen capable glider windows both incorporate a full screen track extruded into the exterior of the window frame. Standard exterior casing is applied on the outside edge of both products and will “reveal” the valley between the inside edge of the exterior casing and the bevel edge of the screen track (called the screen track reveal). Offset exterior casing is designed to ‘hide’ the screen track reveal by relocating the attachment point of the casing profile so that the interior edge of the exterior casing rests on top of the screen track channel, thus “hiding” it—an aesthetically pleasing trait many designers/architects prefer.
Do all windows come with low emissivity Low-E glass coating?
Low-E glass comes standard with Paradigm Windows products. Custom glass packages are available.
Can I get keyed locks on my patio door?
Yes! Please inquire with your local distributor for ordering optional accessories that meet your specific project needs.
Do I need stainless steel hardware on my window?
Casement and awning window operating hardware, sliding glass door and 2- 3-lite glider window roller assemblies, both are adversely affected by the corrosive effects of tidal air flow. Paradigm products indicated above that are installed in structures located within 4 nautical miles of tidal water, must have stainless steel hardware installed in order to effect the full force of the Paradigm warranty.
Can I put an air conditioner in a Paradigm window?
Yes. By ensuring correct installation of your air conditioning unit, you safeguard the integrity of your Paradigm Window unit. However, please be aware that any damage resulting from the installation of any type of air conditioning unit will not be covered under your warranty.
What is an Egress Window?
Egress windows are dimensioned in compliance with local building codes to ensure unimpeded access through the window opening for firefighters or EMS personnel. Consult your local building code enforcement office to ascertain whether your project necessitates Egress windows.
What is the difference between double-glazed and Triple-glazed windows?
Double and triple glazed windows denote the quantity of panes comprising the insulated glass unit (IGU).
Can I change the half screens for full screens in my windows?
Yes. In most window models, half screens can be substituted for full screens and vice versa. Please contact your local Paradigm distributor for more information.
Can I buy products directly from Paradigm Windows?
No. Paradigm Windows is able to offer a non-prorated lifetime warranty to the original purchaser (homeowner) by controlling unanticipated service related costs by restricting sales to contractors on account with Paradigm product distributors.