How Much Can New Windows and Doors Lower Your Heating or Cooling Costs?

One of the biggest claims associated with today’s new windows and doors is a substantial reduction in heating and cooling costs. Many homeowners want to know just how much they’ll be able to save and how long it will take for their replacement windows to pay for themselves. Every single situation is different, and the amount of money you save will vary based on no fewer than a dozen individual factors. Here’s what you need to know:
How Much of a Difference Do New Windows Really Make?
According to information available from, of the energy you use to cool or heat your home, 25% to 30% is lost through your windows. This number varies a great deal from one household to the next, though. Some homes will be far more efficient than this due to their climate and window type, but others will be even less efficient for the same reason. The best options available for reducing this energy loss include replacing your windows to improve their efficiency.
Upgrading from Single-Pane Windows
Single-pane windows are typically the most inefficient, and they should only be used in areas where climate control is not an issue – such as in an outbuilding or shed – or in parts of the country where summers and winters are mild. In fact, if you rely on your HVAC system to keep you warm or cool for more than a few days out of the year, single-pane windows are not the best choice. Upgrading from single-pane to double-pane windows can drastically reduce your energy consumption and help you save quite a bit on your utility bills, especially in the summer and winter months.
What If You Already Have Double-Pane Windows?
Many homeowners have had double-pane windows installed for decades and mistakenly believe that they already have the most efficient and best windows they can buy. Over the last several years, window technology has improved a great deal, and double-pane windows from 20 or 30 years ago are simply not as efficient. Today’s windows are filled with inert gases which help stop a great deal of heat loss and transfer, and they are also made of better, more insulative materials – including better vinyl, foam fills, and more. If your windows are especially old and you’re seeing your energy bills climb, it may be worth upgrading to newer double-pane windows.
What About Triple-Pane Windows?
If you live in an area where winter temperatures plummet (and stay) below freezing for weeks at a time, triple-pane windows can provide even more insulating power. These windows contain three panes of glass to help stop heat transfer and loss in its tracks, and with inert krypton gas between each pane, you can rest assured that your windows are as efficient as they can possibly be. If your double-pane windows don’t seem to be stopping energy loss, speak to a professional today about upgrading to krypton-filled triple-glazed windows, instead.
It’s virtually impossible to determine exactly how much homeowners might save on their energy bills by switching to a different type of window, but it’s safe to say that any kind of improvement you make is sure to reduce your energy consumption. To get the most benefit, choose the glazing that’s right for your unique climate and go for gas fill over only air.
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